Thursday Club
Thursday Club returned on 12th September when Graham Collyer gave a fascinating, well illustrated talk on his life and background in journalism leading to his writing several books. The one we all know and love is his History of South Milton and we were thrilled to see several of the photos produced in that book. Many familiar faces and stories! It was a great afternoon and we are so lucky to have local friends who are prepared to come and talk to us about their interesting lives (in Graham's case it was family, cricket and journalism but maybe not in that order for importance!). Graham asked that his fee should be donated to the Kingsbridge Food Bank.
On 10th October, Roger Kendall came to give us a talk entitled 'Filming: behind the scenes'. Roger is a retired firefighter who was based mainly in London. He featured in the programme 'This is Your Life' and has the red book to prove it! He set up a business which provided controlled fires and explosions for film and TV cameras and was this aspect of his life which he told us about. We found out that seeing is definitely not believing and that these very special effects are the result of careful planning, meticulous detail, illusions and risk assessment!
November's speaker was Chris Stephens and he was full of interesting facts and stories about some of our best Christmas traditions. His wife Margaret accompanied him for some examples of old Christmas songs.
The Christmas Lunch invitations have now been circulated: if you haven't received one please let Lindy or one of the other team members know so we can send you the details.
Everyone is welcome to our meetings - feel free to bring a friend or two! £3.00 per person plus £1 for a raffle ticket. Please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements: all reasonable requests catered for!
Lindy Anderton (560751) Jenny Brown Gaynor Day Jane Howey Moray Lewis
Marion Luscombe Susie Russell Gill Townsend Maggie Ryder (mailing list)